
in date order:

2010: National Open Art Exhibition (Chichester)

2010: Degree Show – Winchester School of Art

2011: MA Interim Show

2011: Spatiotemporal, MA Degree Show

2011: Creative Brookes, Part of ’10 Days’

2011: Blissfield’s Art – Group

2012: Art Café Show

2012: ‘Marks Lines Gestures’, Solo Show – Bulthaup

2013: ‘Chaos & Form’, Solo Show

2013: Sorting Office Launch & Open Studios

2013: Winter Open Studios Event

2014: Carroll Art Exhibition, The Link Gallery

2014: Summer Open Studios Event, The Sorting Office

2014: ‘Encounter/Observation’ Solo Alumna Show, The Winchester Gallery

2015 ‘Postcard’ The Fold Gallery, London

2016 Shortlisted for Hampshire Cultural Trust Project.

2016 Shortlisted Marwell Zoo ‘Zany Zebras’ Design.

2016 Shortlisted for Reincarnation Project at Gods House Tower, Southampton.

2016 Postcard Exhibition at Arts Hub London

2016 ‘Dystopia/Utopia’ Fringe Arts Bath

2016 Commision – Nuffield Theatre – British Art Show Fringe Southampton.

2016 Mottisfont Abbey – Summer Open 2020

2017 ‘Idiosyncrasies’ Solo Show at Hobson’s Choice Winchester

2018 Mottisfont Abbey National Trust Summer Exhibition 

2018 Sorting Office Studios Open Studio Exhbition

2019 Sorting Office Studios Open Stdios Exhibition 

2020 Southampton City Art Gallery Open Exhibition – Journey, Migration and the Seas

2020 Chalks Gallery Lymington 

2021 Summer Meadow work featured on Grayson Perry’s Art Club 2 Channel 4

2023 Bradford Gallery

2023 Fresh Art Fair Cheltenham